Kids Across America

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Summer 2025
Registration Opens Soon!

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Summer 2025 Theme: Apply Pressure

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12 
Fire is hot and unbearable to experience in heavy amounts. This pressure, without the endurance of Christ working within us, breeds debilitating emotions like anxiety and depression. But consider the process of a diamond. A diamond formation occurs when carbon deposits deep within the earth (approximately 90 to 125 miles below the surface) are subject to high temperature and pressure. Some stones take shape in a matter of days or months, while others take years to materialize. We can be thankful for the pressures of life that come, knowing that these situations are shaping us and molding us to look and act more like Christ. 

Registration Fees

The cost to host 1 camper for 1 week at camp is $1000. KAA raises 80% of the camping costs, allowing youth from all over the U.S. to encounter a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 

Each attendee receives an $800 scholarship from KAA! 

The registration cost to attend one session at KAA is $225 per person.

A $25 per person deposit and completion of the online policy agreement is needed to solidify registration.

Any previous unpaid balances will need to be paid before you can complete registration for the upcoming year. Credits are applied to your balance as you complete the payment steps.

Summer 2025 Session Dates


Session 1: June 1-6
Session 2: June 8-13
Session 3: June 15-20
Session 4: June 22-27
Session 5: June 29 – July 4
Session 6: July 6-11
Session 7: July 13-18
Session 8: July 20-25
Session 9: July 27 – Aug 1
Higher Ground First Year
Session 2: June 8-13
Session 5: June 29 – July 4
Session 8: July 20-25
Higher Ground Second Year

Session 3-4 : June 15– June 27 
Session 6-7: July 6 – July 18

Higher Ground Third Year

Session 9: July 27 – Aug 1

KAA Elite

Session 2: June 9 – June 14

Session 4: June 23 – June 28

Session 6: July 7 – July 12

KAA 1: Ages 10-12
KAA 2: Ages 13-14
KAA 3: Ages 15-18
Higher Ground 14-18
Kaleo 20 and up.

These ages are not flexible and must not be altered. Your camper or Kaleo must meet the correct age requirement to attend the selected camp.

Angel Tree

Kids Across America partners with Angel Tree Camping through Prison Fellowship. Angel Tree camping is a chance for children of incarcerated parents to get away from their daily challenges and have fun in the great outdoors, making new friends and meeting caring adult counselors.

Registration Costs are $25 per Angel Tree camper.

Did You Know?

  • Since 1991, KAA has served more than 150,000 campers and 20,000 plus Kaleos.

  • 264 groups from 25 states and 274 cities attended KAA in summer 2022.

  • KAA employs nearly 300 summer staff, 40 year-round staff and has nearly 20 Health Center volunteer summer staff.

  • The KAA experience provides healthy outdoor activities such as zip lines, water sports, and athletics along with great food and camp fires! Our exemplary staff of collegiate counselors weave biblical values and leadership/character development skill into each activity.
kss kampers ziplining

Learn More About Our Camps


At KAA1, campers experience outrageous fun with a healthy dose of encouragement.


Specifically designed with middle-school-aged youth in mind, KAA2 offers more than 20 intense, athletic and recreational activities.


KAA 3 boosts high adventure activities where campers supercharge their thrill meter and sharpen their sports skills in concentrated specialty sports like football, basketball, mountain biking, volleyball and many others.

Higher Ground

A three-year Christian Leadership Camp designed to encourage and equip High School students with a primary focus on biblical Disciple-Making and Servant-Leadership Development.


Spend three days on our camp grounds participating in various activities such as tubing, high ropes course, swimming and more.

Kaleo Ministry

The Kaleo ministry is designed as a camp within a camp, operating most of the time on separate schedule apart from the campers’ activites.