Kids Across America

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Asking Jesus into My Heart at KAA

September 29, 2023
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Every summer at Kids Across America, something extraordinary unfolds. Itā€™s a time when kids, from all over the world, come together, not only to experience the joys of sports and the outdoors but to embrace a deeper connectionā€”giving their lives to Christ and sharing the profound experiences that shape their spiritual journey. Get ready to be inspired by the testimony of India, 14.


We are SO HAPPY India came back to camp this summer!  Last year she came for the first time and loved meeting new friends, the FUN activities and especially Cross Talk. That was her favorite part. In fact, she couldnā€™t get it off her mind all year long.

ā€œCamp would not get off my mind,ā€ India shared. I was so excited to come back and see Crosstalk and meet new people who love God.ā€

This summer she made a BOLD decision for Christ and asked Jesus into her heart.

India shared that during a cabin devotional on sin and when Miss Candace, her counselor prayed, she knew then how much she needed Jesus.

ā€œI knew it was time to ask Jesus into my heart, and later that day I rang the bell,ā€ India said.

Praise God for moving in the hearts of kids and teens this summer.  Lives are being transformed. Kids are being redirected from the world to the hope of Jesus!  She loves learning about her Savior.

Thank Him also for canoes, quesadillas, and campfires!  India had a week to remember and was surrounded by people who love Jesus.

She sums up her experience like this: ā€œKAA is a Christian camp with a bunch of kids that want to get closer to God.ā€

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